Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dec 9th, Day 6 (113 days left)

Day 6, 113 days to go.
A bit discouraged this morning when i got on the scale and saw 249. I mean two days ago i was 248.7, so i just expected to be under that. I am not going to eat or drink anything untill my morning poop to see if i can drop .3 pounds and that would make me feel alot better. I know im crude and over thinking this...but I am working hard and I want to see results!

I feel good today, albeit tired. I continue to go to sleep too late every night. Cataclysm and Brandan keep me up too late :) But i like them both too much to turn them down :P

I am feeling really lazy today. I really DO NOT want to walk the dogs. Maybe Ill dance today instead. That is an equal work out, right? NOT!! But it is a work out...and that is something.

Going to eat red meat today, big meal will be a filet mignon and half a potatoe. My fave!


  1. Hi Kupcake! Some thoughts on the plateau: You said you haven't been sleeping well, this could be a cause of retaining some weight. Also, maybe try a day or two without carbs; I guarantee this would help you drop a few :) All the best!

  2. Whoops, meant retaining water, not weight!

  3. Wait, no I did mean weight...whoops again!
