Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dec 8th, Day 5 (114 days left)

114 days left!
Got up and worked out with Esther today, walked about 1.8 miles. Felt really good. I am up since yesterday...probably water weight.

Today I am making chicken tacos with home made tortillas (only having half of one). We are looking forward to our late lunch with gusto, to say the least!

I am going to try my hardest to be under 245 before friday. I have no idea if Will is really comming to town this weekend, and really I dont care. I almost wish he would call and cancell, but i dont think that is going to happen. I am really enjoying spending time and effort on myself, and am not looking forward to the akwardness of a first date. Especially one that has so many strings attached (expensive gifts and him flying 3000 miles to see me).

Well Im off to get my first water of the day and a DISGUSTING banana for breakfast :) Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Yay on getting up and going for a walk!! Woot woot!! And drink lots of water... and plug your nose and inhale the banana! ;)

    Quick question, and please dont take this the wrong way at all, I just wanted to share some advice...

    I was looking voer you Short Term Goals:
    Which is a great list, however, I noticed that your reward for getting under 240 is Chipotle?? As in the diner? As in you are rewarding weight loss with food?? That is mistake number one! We all get so proud of ourselves and feel we "deserve" that one meal, but really, getting you nails done or even buying new make up will do much more than buying yourself a meal that isnt on your plan.

    Just my opinion, I hope I didnt offend!
